4_4_Методические подходы к определению экспортного потенциала высокотехнологической продукции машиностроения . Наука

Methodological approaches to determining the export potential of high-tech engineering products

  • Osipov V.A.

    Victor A. Osipov. Vladivostok branch of the Russian Customs Academy Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The subject of the paper is the methodological issues of determining the export capacity of domestic engineering. The purpose of the research lies in the study of this phenomenon essence with respect to the concept of competitiveness of engineering products. Revealed here is the role of the customs service in forming the export capacity system that has come into effect. The capabilities of the customs service to influence the export capacity of domestic engineering are examined. Of special emphasis are the capacities to control information
flows through feedback ranging from foreign practices in sales to various efficient (for domestic machine-building products) guises of interaction between сustoms authorities and domestic industry. As the market pressure on the export capacity offered in the paper is the author-developed formula of the competitiveness of machine-building products. The flows of currency profits are offered to consider as a feedback in the export capacity control system. In addition to their fiscal functions, customs services can perform the part of both a
regulator and an incentive for the export capacity development.
Keywords: the export potential of mechanical engineering, the competitiveness of machine-building products, customs authorities as an element of managing the country's export potential.
